- 马蝇的幼虫;特征是在马、羊或人的身体内部发育成长。botfly larva; typically develops inside the body of a horse or sheep or human.
- 去年last year
- 约翰逊先生去年在房地产市场冒大险从开发商那里买下三套公寓。Mr. Johnson took a high dive in the real estate market when he bought three apartments from a developer last year.
- 低度交联AMPS共聚物驱油体系在马寨油田的调驱先导试验Pilot Test of Profile Control and Displacement of A Polymer Flooding System with Low Crosslinked AMPS Copolymer
- 马刺spur
- 我有三年的会计工作经历,其中去年在武汉一家大公司任实习审计员。I have more than three years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with a big company in Wuhan.
- 马的hippic
- 他们公司去年在生意上接二连三地亏本。Their company suffered loss on loss in business last year.
- 车在马前To put the cart before the horse-preposterous
- 他去年在苏格兰旅行。He traveled Scotland last year.
- 饲料袋吊在马嘴下装饲料的口袋A bag that fits over a horse's muzzle and holds feed.
- 我有两年多会计工作经验,包括去年在微软公司北京办事处做实习计员。I have more than two years of accounting experience,including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of Microsoft.
- 在马和驴的腹腺中有麦硫因。Ergothionine is found in the ampullary glands of horse and jack ass.
- 其中的一个颁给了M.C,去年在炸弹袭击下存活的一位黎巴嫩广播员。One went to M.C, a Lebanese broadcaster who survived a bomb attack last year.
- 你们要看见一个婴孩,包著布,卧在马槽里,那就是记号了。This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
- 去年在考利昂镇就发生了六十起谋杀案。 从气氛上看,死神笼罩着这座小镇。In the last year there had been over sixty murders in Corleone and it seemed that death shadowed the town.
- 他们急忙去了,就寻见马利亚和约瑟,又有那婴孩卧在马槽里。And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
- 欧文自去年在美国进行手术后一直恢复顺利,并希望可以在赛季结束前实现复出。Owen has made good progress having undergone surgery in America last year and is still hopeful of making a return to action before the end of the season.
- 就生了头胎的儿子用布包起来,放在马槽里 (路加福音第 2 章第 7 节) 。And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger. (Luke 2:7).
- 但是去年在佩思,由于矿物增长热潮的原因全国性的房价通货膨胀直接激增了40%。But nationwide house-price inflation was propped up by a 40%25 surge in Perth last year, thanks to the minerals boom.