- 去岁人均收入剧增.Per capita incomes rose sharply last year.
- 去岁人均收入剧增。Per capita incomes rose sharply last year.
- 去年人均收入猛增。Per capita income rose sharply last year.
- 许多国家的人均收入超过我国。Many countries precede ours in per capita income.
- 农民人均收入farmers' per capita income
- 家庭人均收入income
- 第二次人口剧增大约始于人类开始蓄畜、垦耕的10,000年前。The next rapid jump in population started perhaps 10,000 years ago, when mankind began to keep herds, plow and plant the earth.
- 年人均收入(元)Annual per capita net income (RMB yuan)
- 剧增的人口引起了严重的住房问题,这对中国来说是一个挑战。The rapid in crease in population has caused serious housing problem, which is anther challenge to China.
- 低人均收入宽减办法;LPCIA; low per capita income allowance formula;
- 这篇文章将告诉你保健开支剧增的原因以及你该如何保护你的家人。This article will tell you what is behind the soaring cost of health care and how you can protect your family.
- 人均收入低,人均占有资源有限Low per capita income, limited per capita resources possession
- 英国:大龄女性剧增One in three women in UK
- 黑龙江省当前农民年人均收入分析Analyze current annual per capita income of peasant in Heilongjiang province
- 机动车消费税的剧增a sharp increase in vehicle excise
- 各个州当中康涅狄格州的人均收入高一些。among the states Connecticut has a high per capita income.
- 中国彩电需求将会剧增,环保、节能和健康的产品更受中国消费者青睐。Demand for color TV sets is expected to shoot up with environmentally-friendly, energy-efficient and healthful products preferred by Chinese consumers.
- 二十年后,人均收入将会比现在高出2.5倍。And in twenty years'time the per capita income will also be 2.5 times higher than it is now.
- 联合会声称,在过去的一年中由于私人用途而滥用土地征用权的事件剧增。The coalition says the threatened use of eminent domain for private development has greatly increased over the past year.
- 人均收入由3600美元涨到5200美元。average income has increased from %243,600 to %245,200 per head;