- 大多数农作物都获丰收,致使食品零售价在令人胆寒的去冬今春涨价之后得以平复。Most crops have been bountiful enough this year to cause even retail food prices to level off after a frightening winter-spring rise.
- 去冬今春的水利工程建设在长江流域同量级洪水下有效地减少了险情,也极大地减少了防洪抢险的投入。The water conservancy projects constructed during last winter and this spring not only successfully reduced danger but also substantially decreased the input for disaster relief during flood control in the Yangtze River Basin under the condition of same scale of floods.
- 去冬今春的防洪工程建设在抗御今年的长江、太湖流域大洪水中发挥了作用,取得了显著效益。The flood control project construction during last winter and this spring played a significant role in the flood control efforts in the Yangtze River and Taihu Lake Basins,and generated obvious benefits.
- 去冬今春,太行区的旱灾面积占根据地的五分之一,而敌占区流入的灾民还有很大的数目。Last winter and this spring,one-fifth of the land in the Taihang area was afflicted by drought and a large number of victims fled into the area from enemy-occupied areas.
- 烟台地区去冬今春葡萄冻害的调查与对策Investigation and countermeasures against grape frost damage occurred from last winter to this summer in Yantai
- 二、去冬今春的防洪工程建设在抗御今年的长江、太湖流域大洪水中发挥了作用,取得了显著效益II. The flood control project construction during last winter and this spring played a significant role in the flood control efforts in the Yangtze River and Taihu Lake Basins, and generated obvious benefits.
- 去冬今春,各地加大了农业结构调整力度,积极引导农民按照市场需求安排种植业生产。Since the winter of the previous year,local governments enhanced the adjustment of agricultural structure,actively guided farmers to arrange their production according to market demand.
- 茶陵原有县委,因工作做不进去,去冬今春建设的许多组织大部被白色势力打塌了,半年以来只能在靠近宁冈永新一带的山地工作,因此将县委改为特别区委。There used to be a county committee in Chaling, but as the work there did not take root, most of the organizations formed last winter and this spring have been crushed by the Whites; Consequently, for the last six months we have been able to work only in the hilly regions near Ningkang and Yunghsin, and so the Chaling County Committee has been changed into a special district committee.
- 今冬供暖比去冬晚。The heating went on later this winter than last.
- 我们的词典将于今春问世。Our dictionary will make its bow in the spring.
- 去冬last winter
- 北京今春最强的风BJ Encounters Strongest Wind since Spring
- 秋去冬来Autumn give way to winter; Autumn turned into winter; Autumn was followed by winter; Winter comes after autumn
- 这是今春的头场雨,对小麦很有利。This is the first time to rain in the spring. And it does good to wheat.
- 秋去冬来。Winter comes after autumn.
- 今春的花开得更早些。Spring flowers have come out earlier this spring.
- 去冬我们的木柴供应还挺不错。We didn't do too badly for wood last winter.
- 今春女大学生穿着的流行时装what the college girl is wearing this spring
- 去冬严寒期街上发现好几具尸体。Several people were found lying dead in the street during the big freeze last winter.
- 今春的潮流茄克是宽松型。The jacket of world trend this spring is in loose-Bodied style.