- 原汁烤肉的香味.The delicious smell of meat roasting in its own juices
- 蜜汁烤肉slice pork with honey sauce
- 烤肉的香味the smell of roasting meat
- 梨和桔子原汁清除. OH的能力相当,苹果与猕猴桃原汁的清除能力相当而且强于前2种。The scavenging effects of apple and Chinese gooseberry were better in comparison with pear and orange.
- “而且,”他又说,“假如他们烤肉的香味引诱了您,我可以拿两只鸟去跟他们换一块肉来。”"Besides," added he, "if the smell of their roast meat tempts you, I will go and offer them two of our birds for a slice."
- 原汁烤牛肉roast beef au jus
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 一种专门卖烤肉的餐馆a restaurant that specializes in roasted and barbecued meats
- 骨胶原ossein
- 我们闻到了新鲜苹果馅饼的香味。We sniffed the aroma of fresh apple pie.
- 原汁酒spirit of the first extraction
- 在烤肉的铁扦子上烤en brochette
- 悦人的香味yummy flavours
- 这是我妈妈做烤肉的拿手方法。It's my mother's favorite recipe for barbecue.
- 原汁酱油pure soy bean sauce
- 这地方满是杜鹃花的香味。The place was filled with the scent of flowering azaleas.
- 对烤肉的印象是,蹲在大马路边烤。Your idea of a barbeque is squatting by the side of a highway.
- 你能闻到玫瑰花的香味吗?Can you smell the perfume of the roses?
- 试验表明:鲜枣50%,沙棘原汁10%,蔗糖40%为最佳配方;Our experiment shows that the best percentage of each ing-redient in the jam is:50%25 of fresh Chinese Jujube,10%25 of raw juice of Seabuckthorn and 40%25 of sugar.
- 从厨房散发出的香味the scent that spread from the kichen