- 厚thick
- 厚的thick
- 厚板plank board
- 脸皮厚have a thick skin
- 厚颜无耻brazen and shameless
- 板厚slab thickness
- 中厚板cut deal
- 厚颜无耻的brazen
- 变厚thicken
- 我想把这些过冬的厚衣服收起来。I want to lay off these heavy winter clothes.
- 层厚depth of stratum
- 这一价格可获厚利。This price will allow a good margin of profit.
- 他脱去了他的厚毛衣。He peeled off his heavy sweater.
- 齿厚tooth thickness
- 就连最厚的夹克也不足以御寒。Not even the thickest jacket was enough to keep out the cold.
- 厚纸板cardboard
- 佩利厚颜无耻地说,他属于靠自己努力而白手起家的那一类人。Paley had the cheek to say that he was one of those who had pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps.
- 厚墙隔绝嘈杂声。Thick walls deaden noise.
- 厚膜thick film
- 厚纸pasteboard