- 平织的厚棉布纤维a heavy cotton fabric of plain weave
- 厚棉布做的休闲紧身裤子。close-fitting pants of heavy denim for casual wear (usually in the plural).
- 厚棉布做的休闲紧身裤子close-fitting pants of heavy denim for casual wear
- 厚thick
- 平织的厚棉布纤维;用于衣服和帐篷。a heavy cotton fabric of plain weave; used for clothing and tents.
- 凸纹厚棉布corduroy
- 厚的thick
- 充开士米厚棉布cottonade
- 厚板plank board
- 最初在中国产生的从带有淡黄色的棉布制成的耐用的纤维。a durable fabric formerly loomed by hand in China from natural cotton having a yellowish color.
- 基科伊色边条子厚棉布kikoi
- 随函附上棉布100包发货票一份。Enclosed please find an invoice for 100 bale of cotton fabric.
- 脸皮厚have a thick skin
- 有微小的细毛的棉布和亚麻纤维。a strong cotton and linen fabric with a slight nap.
- 厚颜无耻brazen and shameless
- 长绒粗棉布long piled fustian
- 板厚slab thickness
- 中厚板cut deal
- 厚颜无耻的brazen
- 变厚thicken