- 一头平直光润的黑发里,没见到一丝灰白。No gray hairs are in the even, smooth blackness.
- 头head
- 一头平直光润的黑发里,没见到一丝灰白。No gray hairs are in the even, smooth blackness.
- 厚thick
- DT-1型高效通风系统在独头平巷通风系统改造工程中的应用Application of High Efficient Ventilation System DT-1 in Modification of One Open End Tunnel Ventilation System
- 厚的thick
- 头的cephalic
- 桃金娘是个矮胖的女鬼,有着一头平直柔软的头发,一脸的粉刺,还戴着厚厚的眼镜。Myrtle is a squat ghost with lank hair, pimples, and thick glasses.
- 厚板plank board
- 平邮ordinary mail; surfime mail
- 脸皮厚have a thick skin
- 弯头elbow
- 厚颜无耻brazen and shameless
- 地平Horizon
- 猎头hunter
- 板厚slab thickness
- 磨平rubdown
- 过头overdo
- 平放keep flat
- 洗头shampoo