- 王king
- 王霸rule by justice and rule by force
- 王霸之辨defense of "monarchical hegemony" (Wangba)
- 厚thick
- 王霸鹟Kingbird
- 嘴mouth
- 从王霸之辩透视苟子的圣王论Interpreting Xunzi's Doctrine of Benevolent Kings from the Distinction between Kingly and Tyrannical Rules
- 厚的thick
- 词霸PowerWord
- 嘴的stomatic
- 厚板plank board
- 大嘴splaymouth
- 亲嘴kiss
- 浙东事功派代表人物陈亮的思想与朱陈"王霸义利之辨"The Thought of Chen Liang and His Arguments with Zhu Xi on "Wang Ba Yi Li"
- 脸皮厚have a thick skin
- 张嘴gape
- 王座throne
- 厚颜无耻brazen and shameless
- 金山词霸Kingsoft
- 撅嘴moue