- 厌恶地看着某人.look disgustedly at sb
- 邪恶地看着某人to look evilly at sb
- 她厌恶地看着他褴褛的衣衫。She looked at his shabby clothes with distaste.
- 冷淡地看着某人eye sb. with frosty calm
- 他厌恶地看着死尸。He looked with repulsion at the dead body.
- 看着某人look at sb.
- 温斯顿满心厌恶地看她们吵架。Winston watched them disgustedly
- (某物的)来历;(某人的)经历;(某地的)沿革Series of past events or experiences connected with an object, a person or a place
- 如果你不情愿地或者厌恶地提供额外的服务,你很可能将一无所获。If you render extra service unwillingly or resentfully,you will probably get nothing back.
- 给某人财产保火险insure sB.'s property against fire
- 给某人纪律处分take disciplinary measures against sb.;give sb. disciplinary punishment
- (要看的话就偷偷地看,去找一找他们的名字。)Read it, if at all, on the sly, to look for their names.
- 守 [爽] (与某人之) 约keep [break] one's appointment (with...)
- 以同情的目光看着他look at him in (=with) compassion
- 简单地看问题take a naive view; oversimplify a problem
- 给某物或某人拍摄X光片。take an x-ray of something or somebody.
- 他看着娃娃摇摇头。说,“宝丽小姐,The he said,"Miss Polly, Put her siraight to bed.
- 伤害某物或某人的行为。the act of damaging something or someone.
- 蒙蒙胧胧地看某人.look blearily at sb
- 给某人希望或支持的行为。the act of giving hope or support to someone.