- 速度耦合velocity coupling
- 平面内速度耦合in place velocity coupling
- 我的理解是:对于误差少于3%机器,要在了解动态应用的压力速度和纸试验速度大约一样的方式下校准指示压力装置。For an instrument error of less than3%25, calibrate the pressure-indicating device in such a manner that known pressures are applied dynamically at approximately the same rate as in testing of paper.
- 压力pressure
- 速度velocity
- 发展了一种在非正交同位网格下以笛卡儿速度分量作为动量方程的独立变量、压力与速度耦合的S IM-PLER算法。In this paper,a new numerical procedure is proposed for the steady flow of a viscous,incompressible fluid based on SIMPLER algorithm on a non-orthogonal non-staggered grid,together with Cartesian velocity components as dependent variables in the momentum equations.
- 压力容器pressure vessel
- 速度限制speed limit
- 工作压力working pressure
- 施加压力force
- 光电耦合器photocoupler
- 缓解压力relieve stress
- 发展速度tempo
- 有压力的stressed out
- 加快速度pick up speed
- 压力传感器pressure pickup
- 增长速度increment speed
- 就业压力employment pressure
- 最快速度prestissimo
- 那次考试给了他很大的压力。The examination put a lot of stress on him.