- 他在每一个街角的即兴饶舌人群中听着你们这些小恶棍们的唱词And every street cypher listening to little thugs flow
- 即兴improvisatori
- 饶舌patter
- 即兴的improvisational
- 即兴表演wing it
- 饶舌的talkative
- 即兴演奏extemporize
- [谚]饶舌者多扯谎。He that talks much lies much.
- 即兴演唱ad-lib
- 饶舌者的舌头The tongue of a garrulous person.
- 饶舌,多嘴incontinence of tongue [speech]
- 即兴发挥extemporaneous play
- 饶舌;多嘴the incontinence of tongue
- 演员要是忘记台词,那就只好即兴现编。If an actor forgets his words, he has to improvise.
- 多言;饶舌wag one's tongue
- 事件剧一种即兴的、通常是自发的、尤指由观众参与的场景或演出An improvised, often spontaneous spectacle or performance, especially one involving audience participation.
- 这个年轻人真是饶舌。This young man is really a magpie.
- 剧中即兴说的笑话最好。The ad lib joke in the play is the best.
- 不要饶舌Don't wag your tongue
- 即兴编台词to ad-lib one's lines