- 茶tea
- 下午茶afternoon tea
- 凉茶herb tea
- 史密斯先生是法学博士。Mr. Smith is a Doctor of Laws.
- 茶包tea ball
- 茶多酚tea polyphenol
- 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文。He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation.
- 他获得了哲学博士学位。He earned his doctorate in philosophy.
- 减肥茶dietic tea
- 哈迪博士是俱乐部的创始会员之一。Dr Hardy was a founder member of the club.
- 倒茶serve the tea
- 为了准备博士论文,他博览群书。He was learned in books for the preparation of his doctoral dissertation.
- 茶餐厅teahouse
- 民法学博士Juris Civilis Doctor
- 儿茶酚胺catecholamine (CA)
- 他写有关电磁的博士论文。He wrote his doctoral thesis on electromagnetism.
- 儿茶cutch
- 大麦茶ptisan
- 午茶afternoon tea
- 苦茶bitter tea