- 茶tea
- 下午茶afternoon tea
- 凉茶herb tea
- 南非人Afrikander
- 茶包tea ball
- 茶多酚tea polyphenol
- 南非是个政局动荡的国家。The South Africa is a country seething with political unrest.
- 佛得角[南非]Cape Verde
- 减肥茶dietic tea
- [南非]verkrampte
- 倒茶serve the tea
- 他们正在探讨南非的文化问题。They are making explorations into the cultural problems of South Africa.
- 茶餐厅teahouse
- 荷兰人殖民南非。The Dutch settled in South Africa.
- 儿茶酚胺catecholamine (CA)
- 南非求变的压力升高,白人的敌意也加深。White backlash increases as the pressure for change in South Africa mounts.
- 儿茶cutch
- 南非出产的球形水果,有褐色坚韧的果皮、酸甜木髓的果肉。South African globular fruit with brown leathery skin and sweet-acid pithy flesh.
- 大麦茶ptisan
- 午茶afternoon tea