- 南越民族解放阵线;National Liberation Front of South Vietnam;
- 越共属于或者支持越南民族解放阵线(以前叫南越)的越南人A Vietnamese belonging to or supporting the National Liberation Front of the nation formerly named South Vietnam.
- 汉越民族Han and Yue people
- 南south
- 古百越民族Ancient Baiyue people
- 1980年4月21日会见阿尔及利亚民族解放阵线代表团时的谈话Talk with the delegation from the Party of the National Liberation Front of the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria,April 21,1980
- 越to exceed
- 南越South Vietnam
- 民族nationality
- 摩洛民族解放阵线Moro National Liberation Front
- 百越民族的水稻、浮稻与“鸟田”传说新解The Paddy Rice, Floating Rice and the Legend of "Bird Field" among the Ancient Baiyue People: A New Explanation
- 南越国Nanyue Kingdom
- 刚果解放阵线Front for the Liberation of the Congo
- 民族的national
- 我参观了西汉南越王朝博物馆,真是太好了!真是太华丽了!I'll visit the Museum of the Western Han Dynasty of the NanYue King. Really that's something! Really that's Gorgeous!
- 刚果解放阵线;Front for the Liberation of the Congo;
- 南越笔记Notes on Lingnan
- 撒哈拉解放阵线Front de liberation du Sahara
- 中南民族大学South-Central University for Nationalities
- 阿曼人民解放阵线People's Front for the Liberation of Oman