- 石斑鱼rudd
- 桥那边是中海和南海。On the other side of the bridge is the Central Sea and the South Sea.
- 小南海Xiaonanhai
- 红石斑鱼片Red Grouper Fillet with Prawn
- 南海宾馆Hotel of the South China Sea
- 须石斑鱼Misty grouper
- 南海艳影Alluring shadows of the South Seas
- 冻石斑鱼frozen grouper
- 南海湖Nanhai Lake
- 活石斑鱼live grouper
- 青石斑鱼green hata
- 南海姑娘The girl on the Southern Sea beach
- 石斑鱼属Epinephelus
- 纹石斑鱼hamlet
- 南海地震The South China Sea earthquake
- 南海近海adjacent South China Sea
- 褐石斑鱼E. bruneus
- 黑石斑鱼Warsaw
- 南海北部northern South China Sea