- 南极south pole
- 老人星Canopus
- 老人星(位于船底座)Canopus
- 船底星座南半球一星座,在飞鱼座和船帆座附近,包括老人星a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Volans and Vela that contains the star Canopus
- 南极的polar
- 正如一切转机一样令人料想不到,人们在位于船底星座的老人星附近发现了一个天然的虫洞。Things took an unexpected turn for the better, however, with the discovery of a natural wormhole near the system of Canopus.
- 他们绘制了南极的地图。They mapped the South Pole.
- 南极界antarctic realm
- 地球的极点称作北极和南极。The earth's poles are called the North Pole and the South Pole.
- 他来自南极。He came from the South Pole.
- 南极座octans
- 探险队出航去南极。The expedition team launched out on a voyage to the South Pole.
- 南极陨石antarctic meteorite
- 南极辐聚antarctic convergence
- 南极板块antarctica plate
- 南极探险家Antarctic explorers
- 南极带antarctic zone
- 南极锋antarctic front
- 南极海Antarctic Ocean
- 南极距south polar distance