- 单独与某人共餐.dine tete-a-tete with sb
- 来和某人共餐come to dinner with sb.
- 与某人共患难share with sb. in distress
- ”人无论活着还是死去,始终单独与安拉在一起。In life and in death Man stands alone with Allah.
- 与某人共住一套公寓share an apartment with sb.
- 许多中国人吃饭时喜欢满嘴食物说话,你认为如何,尤其是与外国客人共餐时?Many Chinese like to talk with full-mouth food at table, and how do you like it, especially when you're dining with foreign guests?
- 与某人或某事物有关的环境或特殊情况Ting to a person or thing
- 分担某人的痛苦; 与某人共患难participate sb.'s sufferings
- 与某人在一起to side somebody
- 用电报与某人联系to reach someone by cable
- 与某人做生意do business with sb.
- 与某人谈恋爱go steady with sb.
- 与某人的关系relation with sb.
- 和某人共跳探戈舞.partner sb in a tango
- 与某人或某物有关的反面的性质或特点a negative quality or characteristic associated with a person or an object
- 与某人打网球to play tennis with sb
- 与某人联系某事contact sb. about sth.
- 某人共进晚餐也不是什么大不了的事!Well, having dinner with somebody is not a big deal, isn't it?
- 意指与某人Get Something Going With Someone
- 与某人分佣金divide a commission with sb.