- 鹰雕hawk eagle
- 鹰hawk
- 雕engrave
- 华氏Fahrenheit
- 华氏度degree Fahrenheit
- 一箭双雕kill two birds with one stone
- 华氏温度degree Fahrenheit
- 鹰眼eagle eye
- 鹰的accipitral
- 射雕英雄传Hero Shooting Vulture
- 鹰隼hawks and falcons; brutal or fierce people
- 沙雕sand carving
- 鹰嘴豆chickpea
- 华氏温度计Fahrenheit
- 精雕finishing impression
- 鹰派hawk [one who adopts a militant attitude]
- 今天气温是华氏七十度。The temperature today is seventy degrees Fahrenheit.
- 文心雕龙The Literary Heart and the Carving of Dragons
- 水在32华氏度结冰。Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (32°F).
- 鹰钩鼻hooknose