- 华晨宝马三班生产应对高涨需求BMW Brilliance performs three production shifts per day to meet rising market demand
- 华晨宝马举办首届工厂开放日活动BBA held first Plant Open Day
- 宝马中国与华晨宝马召回2131辆进口车及531辆国产车BMW China and BBA recall 2131 imported and 531 locally produced cars in China
- 两个月之后,华晨宝马宣布向沈阳市教育局捐款25万元,用于沈阳市汽车行业人才培养及软硬件设施建设。Two months later, BMW Brilliance announced to make another donation of RMB 250,000 to Shenyang Education Bureau for the training of personnel working in Shenyang auto industry and construction of facilities.
- 在宝马内部调查中,不断做好沟通以提升顾客满意度,并通过外部资源,持续满足顾客需要。Maintain ongoing personal communications with customer and achieve high ratings for customer satisfaction in internal BMW surveys and through external sources. Maintain continuous follow-up with customers.
- 华晨Huachen
- 我喜欢舒适的生活,希望开宝马车,希望住在高级别墅,希望到世界各地去旅游,希望银行有一大笔存款。I like a comfortable life, driving mecedes benz, living in bungalow, travelling around the world and abandon of money in the bank.
- 华晨集团Huachen Group
- 欧洲共有121位巨头资产入围,其中德国零售商albrechts家族和johannaquandt家族位居前两位。johannaquandt家族因拥有汽车制造商宝马公司46%的股权而在《福布斯》排行榜上名列第12位。Europe had 121 billionaires, headed by the Albrechts and Germany's Johanna Quandt and family, whose 46 percent ownership of automaker BMW helped put them at No.
- 华晨精梳棉纺纱项目Project of Huachen Combed Yarn
- 沈阳华晨金杯汽车有限公司Shenyang Hua Chen Jin Bei
- 沈阳新光华晨汽车发动机有限公司。Shenyang Xinguang-Brilliance Automobile Engine Co., Ltd.
- 河北华晨淀粉糖有限公司始建于1986年。Hebei Huachen Starch Sugar Co., Ltd.
- 华晨宝马成为辽宁省十大纳税外资企业之一BMW Brilliance awarded as one of the Top Ten Taxpayers among foreign enterprises in Liaoning Province
- 似乎华晨在用他们的产品为自己倾诉。我们会倾听。It looks as if it wants to let the products speak for themselves. We'll be listening.
- 酷宝)装有一台小的1.8升直列四缸170马力的,由华晨他们自己设计开发的发动机。The BC3 is powered by a small, 1.8-liter inline-four that makes 170 horsepower, an engine that Brilliance engineered and developed themselves.
- 作为在中国市场上拥有领导地位的轻型客车制造商,华晨中国汽车控股有限公司于2002年推出了备受市场及汽车行业推崇的中华牌轿车Historically, a leading manufacturer in China′s light passenger van market, Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd launched a highly-anticipated sedan in 2002, the Zhonghua.