- 华flower
- 姿looks
- 薇姿Vichy
- 联合利华Uniliver
- 对华(policy, etc.) towards China
- 华尔Wal
- 多姿colourful
- 叔本华Schopenhauer
- 雅姿Artistry
- 华佗name of a famous doctor in old times, Hua Tuo
- 容姿looks
- 华军软件园Huajun Software Field
- 泳姿stroke
- 华夫饼waffle
- 露华浓Revlon
- 第三姿式在击箭中闪避或一刺的第三种姿式The third position from which a parry or thrust can be made in fencing.
- 凝华deposition
- 枭雄之姿carriage of a vallain
- 反华anti-china
- 冰姿雪魄of purity of soul