- 华flower
- 工程地址:上海张江高科技园区,华佗路与达尔文路交口。Address: Cross of the Huatuo Roand and Daerwen Road, Shanghai Zhangjiang High ?Technic Park.
- 华佗说:"我行医以来,从没见像你这样了不起的人,将军乃神人也。Hua said, "Since I started medical practice, I have not seen anyone like you. You are a magic general."
- 关羽喝了几杯酒就与人下棋,同时把右臂伸给华佗,并说:"随你治吧,我不害怕。"After drinking several glasses of wine, Guan started to play chess. At the same time, he reached out his right arm to Hua Tuo and said, "It is at your disposal. I have no fear."
- 华佗切开肉皮,用刀刮骨。在场的人吓得用手捂着眼。再看关羽,一边喝酒,一边下棋。Hua cut the skin and flesh open and scraped the Bone with scalpel. Everyone present covered his eyes while Guan continued drinking and playing chess.
- 锡膏tin cream
- 华佗切开肉皮,用刀刮骨。在场的人吓得用手捂着眼。再看关羽,一边喝酒,一边下棋。Hua cut the skin and flesh open and scraped the bone with scalpel. Everyone present covered his eyes while Guan continued drinking and playing chess.
- 眼线膏eyeliner
- 遮瑕膏concealer
- 佗carry on the back
- 香膏balsam
- 亳州历史悠久,英才辈出。商成汤王、老子、庄子、陈抟、曹操、华佗等如群星灿烂。Bozhou has produced a galaxy of renowned figures. Emperor Chengtang, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Chen Tuan, Cao Cao, Hua Tuo are all included as personages in the long history.
- 脱毛膏depilatory cream
- 联合利华Uniliver
- 磨砂膏scrub cream
- 膏状paste
- 对华(policy, etc.) towards China
- 蜜糖龟苓膏Guiling Jelly (Chinese Herbal Jelly) Served with Honey
- 华尔Wal
- 佛佗Buddha