- 升为贵族.elevation to the peerage
- 他已升为贵族.He's been elevated to the peerage,ie made a peer.
- 当一个政治家在下议院使他的党为难时,他有可能被提拔,即升为贵族。When a politician becomes an embarrassment to his party in the Commons,he may be kicked upstairs,i.e. elevated to the peerage.
- 他被升为贵族以酬报他的功劳。He was raised to the peerage in recognition of his service.
- 为难make things difficult for
- 转化为translate into
- 他被升为贵族。He was elevated to the peerage.
- 由于赢得了这场战争,国王封他的将军为贵族。The king raised his general to the peerage for winning the war.
- 为称颂他对祖国的贡献,女王封他为贵族。The Queen raised him to the peerage to honour hi contribution to his motherland.
- 升为be upgraded to
- 彼得先生被封为贵族。Sir Peter was raised to the peerage.
- 他从小职员一步步升为该公司的董事之一,总算找到了施展自己才华的机会。After coming up through the ranks, he found his own level as one of the directors of the firm.
- 他已被封为贵族。He has been made a peer.
- 我们赞成她升为总裁We are in favor of her promotion to president.
- 他被晋封为贵族。He's been elevated to the peerage.
- 他很快就升为四星上将。He quickly rose to the rank of four-star general.
- 封某人为贵族to elevate someone to the peerage
- 他从海军上校升为将官。He rose from the rank of captain to the rank of general.
- 拥戴某人当国王、封某人为伯爵、 封某人为贵族make sb king, an earl, a peer, etc
- 火怪的火盾伤害由反弹25%升为40%。说明进行相应改动。Efreets'Fire Shield damage increased from 25%25 to 40%25 of damage taken from melee attack. Description changed to reflect the change.