- 在接下来的十二年里他周游四方。Over the next twelve years, he traveled widely.
- 他们谈论十二年前杜鲁门是如何创造奇迹的。They discussed how Truman had passed his miracle a dozen years earlier.
- 万年all ages
- 外教foreign teacher
- 年中midyear
- 流年fleeting time
- 四年four years
- 多年来for the past many years
- 几十年several tens of years
- 第二步是,在本世纪末达到小康水平,还有十二年时间,看来可以实现。The goal of the second stage is to enable the people to live a relatively comfortable life by the end of this century. There are still twelve years left,and it seems that we shall be able to reach that goal.
- 年金rente
- 年少juniority
- 一年半a year and a half
- 一年多more than a year
- 年来over the last ... years
- 余年one's remaining years
- 最近几年the last few years
- 年成year's harvest
- 几年来for the past several years
- 来年next year