- 酸庚酯heptyl heptylate
- 10-十一烯酸10-undecanoic acid
- 丙酸庚酯heptyl propionate
- w-十一烯酸w-undecylenic acid
- 庚酸庚酯heptyl heptylate
- 十一烯酸锌复方制剂Compound Preparation of Zinc Undecylenate
- 戊酸庚酯heptyl valerate
- 复方十一烯酸锌软膏Compound Zinc Undecylenate Ointment
- 十一烯醛undecylene aldehyde
- 10-十一烯醛10-undecenal glycol acetal
- 十一烯酰氯undecylenylacyl chloride
- 酞酸二庚酯DHp; diheptyl phthalate
- 复方十一烯酸锌曲安奈德软膏Compound Zinc Undecylenate and Triamainolone Acetonide Ointment
- 异丁酸正庚酯n-heptyl isobutanoate
- 十一烯酸熔融接枝ABS树脂的研究Study on Melt Grafting of Undecylenic Acid onto ABS Terpolymer in Melt
- 己基膦酸甲庚酯hexyl(methyl heptyl)phosphoric acid
- 庚烯酸heptenoic acid
- 蓖麻油催化裂解制十一烯酸研究Study on Pyrolyzing Castor Oil Catalytically in Preparing Undecenoic Acid
- 壬烯酸酯nonenoate
- 丁烯酸酯crotonate