- 一个由匿名者建立的组织,其基础也是匿名的,以致没有人能从神手里把功劳夺过来。I think its prophetic that an organization which is built on anonymity would leave its foundation anonymous. So that no one could take credit for the hand of God.
- 者-ist, -er (person)
- 组织organization
- 无名氏,匿名者An anonymous person.
- 匿名者,无名氏不被认识或知道的人One that is unknown or unacknowledged.
- 组织的organizational
- “现在听那击锤声,你要把孩子吵醒了!”(匿名者)"Hark that reeling, now, you'll wake the baby!" (Anonymous)
- 回答者responder
- 组织能力organizing capacity
- 组织结构weave construction
- 他指出,诽谤既然来自匿名者,它一定是坏人干的。He pointed out that the slander came from an anonymous quarter, and therefore must be the work of a rascal.
- 组织机构organization
- 守望者watcher
- 发布者promulgator
- 组织行为学organization behavioristics
- 组织委员commissary in charge of organization
- 提供者provider
- 组织架构organizational structure
- 开发者developer
- 世界卫生组织World Health Organization