- 医生建议他多运动.The doctor advised him to take more exercise.
- 比尔:医生对他说了什么?简:医生建议他多做运动。Bill: What does the doctor say to him? Jane: He advises him to do more exercises.
- 医生建议他多做运动。The doctor advises him to do more exercises.
- 老王心脏不太好,有些房颤,医生建议他多休息。Lao Wang has a weak heart with auricular fibrillation; the doctor advised him to take more rest.
- 医生建议他多运动。The doctor advised him to take more exercise.
- 由于受了这一伤害,他患了严重的头痛病。医生建议他休息。He suffered severe headaches as a result of this injury, and his doctor recommended a rest.
- 他的儿子弱不禁风,应该多运动运动。His son is a cream puff. He should exercise more.
- 医生建议他不要喝酒.His doctor advised him to steer clear of alcohol.
- "他多次尝试打开车门,但都不得要领,因为他用错了钥匙。""All his attempts to unlock the car were futile, because he was using the wrong key."
- 我们去了以后呢,就进行了会诊,建议他做氩氦刀冷冻治疗。We took a consultation for him and suggested him to take therapy of argon-helium knife.
- 医生建议我减少盐的摄入。The doctor advised me to reduce the salt uptake.
- 医生让多运动。The doctor advised taking exercise.
- 他的确在精神方面有些问题,我建议他到疯人院住一年左右。He really has a screw loose somewhere and I suggest he go and stay in a laughing academy for about a year or so.
- 就在此时,催眠术风行全国,一个朋友建议他试试催眠术对他的病情是否有帮助。About this time hypnotism was enjoying a fad throughout the country, and a friend suggested that he try it as a means of helping his condition.
- 医生建议在饮食方面应更加节制。The doctor advised more moderation in eating and drinking.
- 正是利奥尔特·莫扎特建议他儿子写几首小提琴协奏曲。It was Leopold Mozart who suggested to his son that he write a number of violin concertos .
- 我建议你多运动,多运动你就会觉得有好处。I suggest you take more exercise; I think you'll find it pays dividends,ie it will make you fitter.
- 医生建议吃清淡的食物。The doctor advised a light diet.
- 我们建议他不妨尝尝看,也许他的过敏症已经藉由打坐而治好了。We suggested that the meditation might have cured him of his wheat allergy.
- 医生要他多休息,少做事,可他却刚好相反。The doctor told him to work less and have more rest,but he just went all the other way.