- 仅需询问(尽管无人会)那些恐惧的,饥饿的津巴布韦和达尔富尔两地的人民(就清楚了)。Just ask (though no one will) the fearful, hungry people of Zimbabwe and Darfur.
- 美国寻求加大对苏丹政府的压力以结束达尔富尔人道危机US Seeks to Increase Pressure on Sudan to End Darfur Violence
- 尔so
- 北达科塔州水灾Flood victims in North Dakota
- 他要求富尔曼准许他离开,也得到了批准。He asked the permission of Fuhrman to leave and it was granted.
- 北达科塔农业部门North Dakota Department of Agriculture
- 在达尔富尔地区,联合国预定在数周内开始部署其维和部队。In Darfur the UN is due to start deploying its forces in a few weeks.
- 南通海域,北达中原connect the coast to the south and the central plains to the north
- 北达科达州立科学学院North Dakota State College of Science
- 苏丹达尔富尔地区北部的降雨量在过去80年已减少了三分之一。Rainfall in north Darfur, in Sudan, has dropped by a third over the past 80 years.
- 湖泊地区的北达科它大学University of North Dakota--Lake Region
- 北达科塔州人为了限额开枪North Dakota man was gunnin'for the quota
- 而同时,苏丹总统却轻描淡写地宣称,达尔富尔地区的冲突仅造成9千多人死亡。Meanwhile Sudan's president breezily claims that barely9,000 have been killed in the conflict.
- 北达科塔州人为了配额举枪起义North Dakota man was gunning for the quota
- 阿尔达尔铝合金Aldal
- 当时达尔郎欲收回成命。Darlan then tried to rescind the order.
- 汪达尔族the Vandals
- 班尼斯达尔板岩Bannisdale Slates
- 达尔肯方程Darken equation
- 达尔德语Dardic