- 露脊鲸科Balaenidae
- 露脊鲸right whale
- 侏露脊鲸Caperea marginata [pygmy right whale]
- 流入北大西洋的暖洋流被称为湾流,这也是西欧相对较暖的原因。The warm current that reaches into the North Atlantic is called the Gulf Stream.
- 黑露脊鲸black right whale
- 北大西洋的一个海湾,位于新不伦瑞克省和新斯科舍省之间。a bay of the North Atlantic between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
- 一种具有非常长且窄的沉水海滨植物,大量存在于北大西洋海岸submerged marine plant with very long narrow leaves found in abundance along North Atlantic coasts
- 露脊鲸科的模式属;格陵兰鲸。type genus of the Balaenidae: Greenland whales.
- 北大西洋天气的恶劣the nastiness of weather in the north Atlantic
- 鲸目动物如露脊鲸的脂肪层可厚达50公分。Cetacean (e.g., right whale) blubber can be over 50 cm thick.
- 星期五,这些爆炸物在北大西洋公约组织将要召开的一次为期5天的会议地点附近被发现。These explosives were found near the place when NATO officials will start a5- day meeting Friday.
- 北大西洋普通的海鹦。common puffin of the North Atlantic.
- 须鲸类;露脊鲸;长须鲸;蓝鲸;座头鲸。baleen whales: right whales; rorquals; blue whales; humpbacks.
- 英国正努力巩固它在北大西洋的地位。Britain is trying to consolidate her position in the North Atlantic.
- 露脊海豚right whale porpoise
- 北大西洋的一个海湾;水源来于苏斯科汉纳河。an inlet of the North Atlantic; fed by Susquehanna River.
- 作为露脊鲸食物的微小的甲壳动物。minute crustaceans forming food for right whales.
- 由日本向东北流入北大西洋的一股暖流。a warm ocean current that flows NE off the coast of Japan into the N Pacific.
- 北大西洋船舶航线选择Route Choice on North Atlantic Ocean
- 北极露脊鲸arctic whale