- 道method
- 她把衣服全都塞进那只包里。She bundled all the clothes into that bag.
- 弹药盘在那只包里。The pans are in that sack.
- 他总是能从他鼓鼓囊囊的公事包里取出新弄到的证明材料。There were always fresh documents he could pull out of his swollen briefcase.
- 她在包里摸钥匙。She groped for her key in her bag.
- 她把钱放在包里。She put the money inside her bag.
- 从包里掏出一块三明治to dig a sandwich from the bag
- 这包里是什么?What is in the bag?
- 她总是在公事包里带着一把伞.She always carries an umbrella in her briefcase.
- 票就在包里。the ticket was in her handbag.
- 他把地图整齐地塞进包里.He fitted the map snugly into the bag.
- 把太多的东西塞进某人的包里to squash too many things into one's bag
- 给我看一下你包里的东西。Show me what you have in your bag.
- 你包里有没有未曝光的胶卷?Have you got any unexposed films in the bag?
- 警察推测正是在这儿温斯坦才能够打开她放在包里的录音机。It was there, police believe, that Weinstein was able to activate the recorder she kept in her bag.
- 它是本很薄的书,所以放在你的包里并不重。成功的希望渺茫。It's quite a slim book so it's not too heavy to carry around in your bag.
- 他把手伸进包里掏出一块面包。He dug into the bag and pulled out a loaf of bread.
- 包里有一叠钞票。There are a wad of bank notes in the bag.
- 他把它们捡了起来,放回包里。He picked them up and replaced them in the bag.
- 把包里的东西抖搂出来shake a bag to empty it