- 屑crumbs
- 碎屑rag
- 头屑scurf
- 谷类食品用简单的盒子包装。The cereal is packaged in plain boxes.
- 包装的关键是防潮。The crux of packing lies in protecting the goods from moisture.
- 皮屑scurf
- 她擅长设计花俏的包装。She is good at designing eye-catching packages.
- 岩屑rock debris
- 我们主张用小容器包装这批货。We advocate using smaller container to pack the goods.
- 去屑antidandruff
- 吃药时请按照包装上的说明去服用。Please follow the instructions on the packet when you take the drug.
- 毛屑soft flocks
- 此货用帆布包装。The goods are packed in canvas.
- 切屑cutting scrap
- 包装时请不要将衬衫弄皱了。Please don't crease the blouse when you pack it.
- 碎屑岩clasolite
- 按打包装铅笔pack pencils in dozens
- 你能替我给它们做礼品包装吗?Can you gift-wrap them for me?
- 排屑escape of chips
- 一套便于折叠包装的衣服a suit that packs well