- 臀butt
- 包起来wrap up
- 包身裙pasin
- 垫臀衬裙拖到臀部的裙子或罩裙A skirt or an overskirt puffed out at the hips.
- 包被peridium
- 包角cornerite
- 臀的pygal
- 裁缝拆开下摆将连衫裙收短。The tailor ripped the hem and shortened the dress.
- 拆包unpack
- 她穿一件丝绒连衫裙。She wore a velvet dress.
- 包封envelopment
- 她的连衫裙用褶边装饰。Her dress was adorned with ruffles.
- 叉烧包steamed, grilled meat bun
- 汽包steam manifold
- 肉包pork bun
- 包茎phimosis
- 舞者穿着草裙伴着夏威夷音乐摇动他们的手和臀。Dancers in grass skirts move their hips and hands to Hawaiian music.
- 豆沙包smashed bean bun
- 包袋bag
- 包层cladding