- 河river
- 河的riverine
- 包起来wrap up
- 莱茵河Rhine
- 包被peridium
- 包角cornerite
- 密西西比河Mississippi
- 拆包unpack
- 过河cross the river
- 包封envelopment
- 河区reach
- 叉烧包steamed, grilled meat bun
- 亚马逊河Amazon
- 汽包steam manifold
- 肉包pork bun
- 过河拆桥abandon one's benefactor once his help is not needed
- 包茎phimosis
- 河东狮吼lioness's roar (describing the fear of a hen-pecked husband)
- 豆沙包smashed bean bun
- 警方从浑浊的河水中捞出包裹。The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river.