- 《劳资关系条例》订明一套解决劳资纠纷的程序,包括普通调解、特别调解、调停、仲裁及调查委员会。The Labour Relations Ordinance provides a set of procedures for the settlement of trade disputes which include ordinary conciliation,special conciliation,mediation,arbitration and board of inquiry.
- 两岸人民关系条例regulations on the relation of people between Taiwan and mainland China
- 劳资关系labor relation
- 这些建议在《劳资关系条例》中得到了体现。These proposals were embodied in the Industrial Relations Act.
- 雇主团体与劳资关系--近代工商同业公会与劳资纠纷的处理Employer groups and the relation of labour and capital --the same trade association and conflict between the labour and capitalist in modern China
- 没有关系That is nothing
- 我们应该努力摆脱劳资关系中`那群人和我们'这种对立的态度。We should try to get away from a `them and us' attitude in industrial relations.
- 德国劳资关系演进中的里程碑:1920年《企业代表会法》的发生史研究The Landmark in the Development of the Relationship between Employer and Employee in Germany: Research on the Appearance of the Works Council Law of 1920
- 协调劳资关系,处理公司内部的劳动纠纷及争议,为公司处理劳动仲裁、诉讼提供必要的支持。Coordinate the relationship between labour and capital. Manage company's internal labour dispute. Provide support to related department for managing labour arbitration and lawsuit.
- 这些改变并未能使劳资关系获得改善.The changes were not productive of better labour relations.
- 他被选为调解人,因为他在劳资关系方面的跑道纪录很好。He was picked as mediator for his track record in labor relations.
- 劳资关系法案.The Industrial Relations Bill.
- 良好的劳资关系good labour relations(= the relationship between workers and employers)
- 劳资关系法Labour-Management Relations Act; labour relations law
- 新的管理章程为劳资关系确定了基本的原则。The new code of conduct lays down the ground rules for management-union relations.
- 这个公司的劳资关系一直不好。The company has a history of bad labour relation.
- 劳资关系模式mode of labor-capital relations
- 新型劳资关系new relation between labor and capital
- 积极劳资关系positive labor relations
- 和谐劳资关系Harmonious Relationship between Laborer and Owner