- 豆娘鱼pintano
- 豆娘鱼属Abudefduf
- 岩豆娘鱼pintano
- 岩生豆娘鱼Sergeant major
- 劳伦无法解释自己的错误。Lauren could not account for her mistake.
- 拉尔夫?劳伦的真实生活Genuine Authentic: The Real Life of Ralph Lauren
- 源氏物语Genshi Monogatali
- 三文鱼Salmon
- 劳伦可能会在九月底膝伤痊愈复出。Lauren could be back in action by the end of September as he nears the end of his recovery after knee surgery.
- 豆娘damselfly
- 旁氏Ponds
- 洛氏硬度rockwell hardness
- 报道说,百老汇新星、自俄克拉何马州的劳伦·尔逊摘得“美国小姐”桂冠。Lauren Nelson, an aspiring Broadway star, was crowned Miss America on Monday night.
- 斑马鱼zebra fish
- 巴氏杀菌pasteurize
- 其他常见的昆虫有蜻蜓、豆娘、黄蜂和有金属色泽的甲虫等。Dragonflies and damselflies are also common,as are wasps and metallic-coloured beetles.
- 洛氏硬度计Rockwell apparatus
- 蒸鱼bouillabaisse
- 莫氏硬度Mohs hardness
- 目鱼sole