- 奥利弗Oliver
- 头奖jackpot
- 十佳劳伦斯冠军奖"Ten Laurence Championships Award"
- 金马奖Golden Horse Prize
- 金球奖美国电影金球奖(Golden Global Award)
- 奥利弗今晚演出。Oliver is acting tonight.
- 关于克利夫顿·劳伦斯的笑话明天一定会传遍全城。Tomorrow Clifton lawrence's stories were going to be told all over town.
- 属于或关于奥利弗·克伦威尔的,或以他的方式的。of or relating to or in the manner of Oliver Cromwell.
- 安慰奖consolation prize
- 圣劳伦斯河防凌ice-jam flood prevention of St. Lawrence River
- 得奖的prize
- 我们顺从奥利弗的意愿,坐了下来。We sat down, obedient to the wishes of Oliver.
- "啊,过奖了。""Oh, you flatter me."
- 这意味着经过六个月的等待,费雯丽终于可以和奥利弗结婚。This meant that after 6months wait. Vivien would be free to marry Olivier.
- 全勤奖attendance bonus
- 你过奖了。I'm flattered.
- 单项奖prize for separate items
- 重奖(be) amply rewarded
- 诺贝尔物理学奖Nobel Prize in Physics
- 奖台winner's platform