- 劫匪把钞票一把抢走了.The robber swooped up the banknotes.
- 劫匪把钞票一把抢走了。The robber swooped up the banknotes.
- 他抓住本,把他从他母亲那里一把抢走了。He grabbed Ben, wrenching him away from his mother.
- 斐利亚·福克先生丢给他一把钞票,立即平息了巴图尔卡先生的怒火。and Phileas Fogg appeased him by giving him a handful of bank-notes
- 拦路劫匪把他的钱抢走了。The robber stripped him of money.
- 史库韦伯运用了这则秘诀一次,就为自己赚进了大把钞票,并赢得数不完的机会。This single application of the secret,by that young man-Charles M. Schwab-made him a huge fortune in both money and opportunity.
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 他把钞票换成了银元。He changed banknotes for silver.
- 他一把抓住女孩,将她从冰冷的水中救了起来。He snatched the girl out of the icy water.
- 我要把钞票当柴火了。”I'm going to use the bills for firewood.
- 地下侏儒种的一员,他们所积财富和法魔戒指被西格弗理德抢走了any of a race of subterranean dwarfs whose hoard of riches and magic ring were taken from them by Siegfried
- 花了大把钞票改善它的酒店住宿。Cedar Point spent a large chunk of money improving its hotel accommodations.
- 他把球从我手里抢走了。He snatched the ball out of my hand.
- 那是我们程序员赚得大把钞票的原因!That is why we programmers get paid the big bucks!
- 他伸出手去救她,吓得浑身发冷的她一把抓住了他,盼望着能得到些安慰。He put out his hands to save her, and she seized him, feeling for comfort, cold now from the shock.
- 她当时正往家走,就在这时小偷袭击了她并把包抢走了。She was walking home when the thief jumped on her and took her bag.
- 当他买一部车子时没想到以后要花如此一大把钞票。When he bought a car he didn't know it was going to be such a white elephant.
- 等安鸠斯皮蒂把钞票装进衣袋之后,福克先生说:不要吓唬我When Andrew Speedy had pocketed the money, Mr Fogg said to him, 'Don't let this astonish you, sir
- 那棵老松树仍然立在那儿,象一把雨伞盖住了入口。The old pine tree still stood there liked an umbrella covering the entrance.
- 他一边向与会者解释,一边把钞票举到耶利米亚眼前,让他鉴定。He explained to the Council, at the same time extending the note for leremia to examine.