- 我花了十个小时把结果制成表格。It took me ten hours to tabulate the results.
- 那项动议被撤销了。The motion was withdrawn.
- 该动议以超出六票的多数被通过。The motion was carried by a majority of six.
- 我想拿一份申请移民签证的表格。I'd like to have a form for the immigrant visa.
- 动议经口头表决而通过。The motion was carried by acclamation.
- 请告诉我如何填写这张表格?Could you tell me how to fill in this form?
- 请填写表格。Fill out the form, please.
- 阻碍动议通过to overslaugh a motion
- 紧急动议urgent motion
- 这里需要哪些表格?What kind of forms do I need here?
- 填一下表格吧。Can you fill in this form, please?
- 他们将对一项休会以的动议进行表决。They are voting on a motion to adjourn the meeting.
- 强行通过一项动议to shove a motion
- 请填写这表格。Fill in this table please.
- 猛烈抨击一项动议to slam a motion
- 你把表格的两部分都填好,然后寄出。You fill in both parts of the form, then send it off.
- 被忽略的一项动议a motion that overpasses
- 其分布情形制成如下表格。The distribution is as tabled below.
- 推迟审议一项动议to sidetrack a motion
- 参赛表格an entry form