- 好吧,动画师们常用手指来做动画。Well, animators often use the fingernails on their thumbs to animate with.
- 与主管动画师及特效团队的其他成员沟通、协作。Communicate and collaborate with the Lead Animator and other members of the VFX team.
- 这些将与外观一同提供给动画师,构成外表以下的骨架、内装。These formed the innards underneath the exoskeleton provided to the animators.
- 实际上,我决定成为一名动画师正是因为西方的动画。In fact, I made my mind to become an animator because of western CG work.
- 记录片:动画师如何找出角色的动机以及他们发挥的独一无二的技巧Documentaries: Find out how an animator approaches his character's motivation and why individual animators possess unique skills
- 师兄弟(senior and junior) fellow apprentice
- 三人行必有我师Two heads are always better than one
- 动画设计animation
- 面包师doughhead
- 三维动画three-dimensional animation
- 占卜师augur
- 动画效果animation effect
- 税务师tax accountant
- 规划师planner
- 护师Nurse Practitioner
- 动画摄影机animation camera
- 验光师optometrist
- 美发师friseur
- 刻章师engraver
- 评估师appraiser