- 歪askew
- 不动motionless
- 心动aroused in interest
- 歪的skew
- 脉动pulsating movement
- 不动的motionless
- 坏心眼sourness
- 缺心眼(adj) (derogatory) have no consideration; inconsiderate
- 点动crawl
- 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。The picture on the wall is crooked.
- 从动driven
- 她不仅漂亮,而且心眼也好。Not only is she pretty but also kindhearted.
- 卡车突然歪向一边。The truck lurched sideways.
- 异动transaction
- 他的脸因为恐惧而扭歪着。His face was screwed up with fear.
- 微动jiggle
- 墙上的油画有些歪。The painting on the wall is a bit crooked.
- 风动air operated
- 他的嘴唇歪扭成怪相。His lips contorted into a grimace.
- 差动differential