- 激光干涉法一次冲击加速度计动态特性校准Primary Shock Calibration of Dynamic Performance of Accelerometer by Using Laser Interferometer
- 基于激光干涉法的一次冲击微分加速度动态特性校准Primary Shock Calibration of Dynamic Performance of Differential Acceleration of Accelerometers with a Laser Interferometer
- 侧面安装使用的压力传感器用激波管进行动态特性校准的方法研究Using Shock Tube to Calibrate the Dynamic Performance of Side Mounted Using Pressure sensor
- 负荷传感器频率特性校准系统Calibration System for Frequency Character of Load Transducer
- 气压表校准仪barometer testing instrument
- 改进的零差时间间隔法振动幅相特性校准技术Investigation of Primary Vibration Calibration by a novel Homodyne Time Interval Analysis Method
- 流量校准仪flow prover
- 低温电流比较仪动态特性的研究Study on the dynamic characteristic of the cryogenic current comparator
- 天线校准仪antenna alignment test set
- 动态特性external characteristic
- 过程校准仪Process calibrator
- 矿用电机车冲击重载齿轮的弹性结构设计及动态特性分析Design of the elastic structure and analyse of the dynamic characteristics for the heavy-duty gear on the haulage motor for mine
- 传声器校准仪microphone calibration apparatus
- 动态特性曲线dynamic curve
- 血压计校准仪sphygmomanometer calibration apparatus
- 风力发电机组动态特性建模及其速度-功率双环控制策略仿真Dynamic Characteristic Modeling of Wind Turbines and Its Speed-power Double-loop Control Strategy Simulation
- 信号发生校准仪signal generator callibrato
- 动态特性法dynamic characteristic method
- 高压测试仪校准仪Adjusting Apparatus for High Voltage Testing Apparatus
- 稳动态特性dynamic and static character