- 前照灯仪校准器calibrator of headlamp tester
- 水声换能器动态校准试验环境的设计Test Environment Design for Acoustic Transducer Dynamic Calibration
- 器utensil
- 利用激振器改制压电加速度校准器Piezoelectric Accelerometer Calibrator Reassembling with Vibration Exciter
- 动态校准dynamic calibration
- 管理器manager
- 资源管理器explorer
- 动态校准系统dynamic calibration system
- 铜柱、铜球准动态校准的机理Mechanism of Quasi-dynamic Calibration for Copper Cylinder and Copper Ball
- 伺服器server (computer)
- 振动传感器的微加速度动态校准Dynamic calibration of ultra-low acceleration for the vibration transducer
- 断路器breaker
- 感应器inductor
- 液压爆膜式压力动态校准方法研究Research on Dynamic Pressure Calibration based on Hydraulic Blasting Film
- 联轴器shaft joint
- 清洁器cleaner
- 稳压器manostat
- 薄膜热电偶的动态校准及辨识建模The Dynamic Calibration and identification modeling of Thin-film Thermocouple
- 读卡器card reader
- 混频器mixer