- 大祸临头是我们自食其果。纵然长官愿意帮忙,也动不得它们。The worst of our evils we blindly inflict upon ourselves; our officers can not remove them even if they would.
- 大祸临头是我们自食其果。纵然长官愿意帮忙,也动不得它们。The worst of our evils we blindly inflict upon ourselves; our officers can not remove them even if they would.
- 得permit
- "如果得不到更多的资金,我们就不得不关闭所有的分支办事处。""Unless we get more finance, we'll have to close the branch offices."
- 他手里一有了酒就永远也动不了地方了。Once he gets a drink in his hand he's here for ever and ever.
- 不得不做cannot help doing
- 这幅油画的原作是属于我们的。要是你的车开动不了,就用我们的车吧The original of the painting is ours. If your car doesn't start, take ours.
- 他15岁时就不得不挣钱养活自己了。He had to earn his keep at the age of15.
- 被恐怖惊呆了的;她被那种恐怖的声音惊呆了;被恐怖惊呆了,动不了petrified with fear; she was petrified by the eerie sound; too numb with fear to move
- 傻瓜不得动刀枪。Fools should not have dangerous tools and weapons.
- 他被捆在撞坏的汽车里,两条腿动不了。He was trapped in the crashed car and could not move his legs.
- 守寡使她不得不过着孤独的晚年生活。Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age.
- 她不得不动一次手术。She has to submit to an operation.
- 蚕蜕皮前不动不食的状态。俗称眠。六、七日眠一次,经四眠后蜕皮即上簇结茧Inactiveness of silkworms before they shed their skin; dormancy of silkworm
- 起初他本打算自己修车,可最后他还是不得不请人帮忙。He started out to fix the car himself, but in the end, he had to ask for help.
- 那个城市佬在农场里是如鱼离水,不得其所。That city slicker was out of his element out on the farm.
- 他丢失了手提箱,不得不向汤姆借睡衣。He had lost his case and had to borrow Tom's pyjamas.
- 她不得不从早到晚奔忙以求养家糊口。She had to scratch gravel from morning till nigh to support the family.
- 游泳者忽然抽筋,因而不得不由他人救助出水。The swimmer was seized with cramp and had to be helped out of the water.
- 目的是要在人 们都吃得动不了的时候,看电视转播的美式足球赛。The goal is to eat so much that nobody can move,and then watch football on television.