- 加利福尼亚California
- 摩洛哥和加利福尼亚是地球上几乎同纬度的两小块地方。Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes.
- 浙江省野生长叶榧资源现状及保护对策Present Situation of Wild Torreya jackii Resource and its Protecting Measure in Zhejiang Province
- 异三尖杉酯碱,异粗榧碱,异哈林通碱Isoharringtonine
- 加利福尼亚大学UCLA
- 长叶榧树的自然分布与繁育栽培技术试验An experiment on natural distribution, breed and cultivation of longleaf Chinese torreya
- 加利福尼亚和墨西哥相邻。California and Mexico are contiguous.
- TLC-HPLC法分析榧属植物叶中的紫杉醇A TLC-HPLC method to analyze taxol in leaf of Torreya Arn.plant
- 中国粗榧愈伤组织诱导及再生体系的建立Callus Induction and Establishment of the Plant Regeneration System of Chinese cephalotaxus sinensis
- 盎格鲁是加利福尼亚的名人聚集的地方。Angelo's is one of California's hot spot for celebrity.
- [医] 榧Torreya grandis fort.
- 加利福尼亚半岛Peninsula de la California
- 基质和植物生长调节剂对日本榧扦插生根影响试验Rooting effects of substract and plant growth regulators on the cutting of Torreya nucifera Sieb. Et Zucc
- 派尤特族居住在俄勒冈东部,内华达西部以及加利福尼亚东北的相邻地区的一群人A group occupying eastern Oregon, western Nevada, and adjacent areas of northeast California.
- 加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校Berkeley
- 细榧Xifei
- 表维粗榧碱epiwilsonine
- 在加利福尼亚居住的好处就在於气候宜人。The beauty of living in California is that the weather is so good.
- 血榧maire yew seed
- 对居住在加利福尼亚的爱好导致她放弃重返纽约的机会。Her affinity for living in California led her to reject a chance to return to New York.