- 层状大地有限长接地导线频域电磁响应的快速计算方法A Fast Method for Calculating the Frequency-domain EM Response of a Finitely Long Grounded Wire over a Layered Earth
- 接地导线earthing conductor
- 接地导线管道ground conduit
- 安全接地导线protective grounding conductor
- 导线lead
- 断路器单相接地保护功能Achievement to Single-phase Grounding Protective Function of Switcher
- 老师没有解释它的语法功能。The teacher did not explain its grammatical function.
- 你的电视机接地吗?Is your TV set earthed?
- 耳的功能是听。The function of the ear is to listen.
- 诗的纯正功能向来都是理想化地描绘事物。The pure office of poetry is ever to idealize.
- 底盘[机壳]接地chassis earth
- 这一程序有哪些功能?What functions can this program perform?
- 补偿导线extension wire
- 接地|搭铁ground strap connection
- 这是一种功能极多的新型厨房机械。This is an extremely versatile new kitchen machine.
- 这条导线接到了插头上。The wire was coupled on the plug.
- 这是被认为具有奇特治疗功能的温泉。This is a hot spring credited with miraculous curative powers.
- 绝缘导线insulated conductor
- 海路和陆路将继续发挥重要的功能。Seaways and landway would continue to fulfil vital functions.
- 将这些导线接到电池的引线上。Connect these wires to the leads of the battery.