- 座上珠玑昭日月Pearls on the dais outshine the sun and moon
- 正殿大门的重檐中间,是叶剑英元帅亲笔手书的“心昭日月”巨匾。Hung between the eaves of the double- tier roof of the main hall is a horizontal board inscribed by Marshal Ye Jianying of contemporary China with the four characters of Xin'Zhao'Ri'Yue or Conscience Clear as the Sun and the Moon.
- 功merit
- 昭manifest
- 功耗power dissipation
- 法轮功Falun Gong Cult
- 大功great merit
- 无功idle work
- 事倍功半get half the result with twice the effort
- 日月山Irwolsan
- 低功耗low power consumption
- 昭玄寺N-S DIV(N.Wei N.Qi):Office for the Clarification of Buddhist Profundities
- 无功功率reactive power
- 信用昭著One's credit is evident.
- 等功equiponderance
- 昭告to impart the knowledge of something clearly
- 唱功art of singing
- 昭著clear
- 无功补偿reactive power compensation
- 昭庙the Bright Temple