- 剪掉过长的树枝.Prune back the longer branches.
- 他把较长的树枝剪掉了。He pruned the longer branches off the tree.
- 对于那些接吻时间过长的情侣,人们会用一桶水将他们浇成落汤鸡。Others get a tad carried away and are doused with a bucket of water to stop a particularly long smooch.
- 把那个不需要的树枝剪掉But it is okay to cut off
- 长的full-bottomed
- 董掉过头看看后面离着他们有几百码的长长的队伍,他勒住马,让它慢慢走着。Tung glanced over his shoulder at the others, strung out several hundred yards behind, and slowed his horse to a walk.
- 最长的first born
- 不,请多剪掉一些,我喜欢把上下的头发都剪得短短的。No. You can cut quite a bit off. I like it to be very short all over.
- 詹妮窘极了。她掉过脸去不让人看到她脸红。Jenny was over-come with embarrassment. She faced away to hide her blushes.
- 为了怜惜那荒芜的树枝,春天留给它曾在一片孤叶里震动过的一吻。In pity for the desolate branch spring leaves to it a kiss that fluttered in a lonely leaf.
- 从树上剪掉枯枝to trim dead branches off a tree
- 过长的戏剧an overlong play.
- 虽然我们已经取得了一些成就,但是我们仍然还有很长的路要走。Although we have make some achievements, we still have a long way to go.
- “不过,做上等人也不应该瞎冤枉人。”毕蒂说完,便掉过头去。"Yet a gentleman should not be unjust neither," said Biddy, turning away her head.
- 园丁将凋谢的玫瑰花剪掉。The gardener snipped the dead heads off the roses.
- 在很长的一段时间里,我看着它们为难地围着树的底部团团转。For a long time, I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment.
- “不过,做上等人也不应该瞎冤枉人。”毕蒂说完,便掉过头去。"Yet a gentleman should not be unjust neither," said biddy, turning away her head
- 有两个镜头被审查员剪掉了.Two scenes were cut by the censor.
- 但如果你投去的目光过长,你则会显得有些过于好奇了。too much and you're inquisitive.
- 剪掉植物的岔枝Nip off the side shoots of a plant