- 剧间休息时更换布景.The scenes are changed during the interval.
- 剧间休息时更换布景。The scenes are changed during the interval.
- 时hour
- 中间休息时,我们交换了一下座位。We changed seats in the interval.
- 更换replace
- 那剧十分糟糕, 在幕间休息时观众纷纷离去。The play is so awful that there is a general exodus from the theatre at the interval.
- 电影剧photodrama
- 我们在迪拜着陆后时更换机组人员。There will be a crew change when we land at Dubai.
- 韩剧South Korean TV soaps
- 分时time-sharing
- 过时old-fashioned
- 该幕间休息了。It is time for an interval.
- 到时arrival time
- 幕间休息act-wait
- 保护安全常常也是谨慎地将口令分配与人,并且在他们离开公司时更换口令。Oftentimes it is a matter of being careful about assigning passwords to people and of changing them when people leave a company.
- 到幕间休息的时候了。我们出去休息一下吧。It's time for an interval. Let's to out and have a rest.
- 幕间休息是十分钟。It will be a ten-minute interval.
- 中场休息时,父亲总要快活地聊谈一番,然后大吃特吃。My father tried to make pleasant chitchat arid eat as much as he could during halftime.
- 在一出剧的两部分中间,常有幕间休息。In between parts of a play, there is often an interval.
- 我们的教练在中场休息时通常用粉笔画图给我们进行讲解。Our coach usually gives us a chalk talk during halftime.