- 剥离(of tissue skin/covering etc.) come off
- 高岭土kaolin
- 剥离强度racking strength
- 剥离型面膜peel off pack
- 瓷土, 高岭土porcelain clay
- 剥离不良资产Strip bad assets off
- 变水高岭土metahalloysite
- 剥离器stripper
- 柏克里耐火高岭土Berkeley clay
- 扁管状高岭土metahaloysite
- 资产剥离peel off (bad) assets of a company
- 湖南辰溪仙人湾埃洛石型高岭土的矿物学特征与成因简析A tentative discussion on mineralogical characteristics and genesis of Xianrenwan halloysite type kaolin in Chenxi, Hunan
- 剥离电铲dragline stripper
- 用漫反射差示红外光谱法研究高岭土与赤铁矿的分离机理Study on mechanism of separating kaolin and hematite using diffused reflection differential infrared spectroscopy
- 剥离乳胶stripped emulsion
- 密高岭土lithomarge
- 剥离层disjuncting layer
- 剥离剂remover
- 剥离比overburden ratio
- 剥离铲hoe scaler