- 前S1抗原检测在乙型肝炎诊疗中的应用Application of Measuring Pre-S1Ag in Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis B
- 乙型肝炎病毒前S1抗原与HBV-DNA相关性的探讨Discuss of the relevance between PreS1-Antigen with HBV-DNA in hepatitisB Virus
- 乙型肝炎病毒血清前S1抗原的检测及其临床意义Pre-S_1 Ag of Hepatitis B Virus:Its Determination and Clinical Significance
- 前previous
- 方法:检测199例HBsAg+、HBeAg+和Anti-HBC+(“模式1”), 185例HBsAg+、Anti-HBe+和Anti-HBC+(“模式2”)患者标本的HBV-DNA前S1抗原和肝功能相关指标ALT、GGT。Methods:HBV-DNA, PreS1 antigen, ALT and GGT were determined in 199 patients of HBsAg+, HBeAg+ and Anti-HBC+(Model 1) and 185 patients of HBsAg+, Anti-HBe+ and Anti-HBC+(Model 2).
- 前的prevenient
- 前S1区preS1 region
- Pre-S1抗原HBV Pre-S1 antigen
- 前几天the other day
- 前一Before
- Pie-S1抗原Pre-S1 antigen
- 在前forward
- 前一个previous
- HBeAg阳性患者血清中Pre-S1抗原与C基因启动子变异的检测Study on pre-S1 antigen and BCP mutation in HBeAg positive HBV infected patients
- 前日eve
- 前文preamble
- 前页preceding page
- 前置preposing
- 乙型肝炎病毒S1抗原检测及其与HBeAg的关系探讨Study to the relation of PreS1 and hepatitis B of e antigen (HBeAg)
- 前部foreside