- 前previous
- 前的prevenient
- 向前onward
- 前几天the other day
- 前一Before
- 瞧拐角那幢楼墙上的路牌。Look at the nameplate on the wall of the corner building.
- 在前forward
- 重庆市景观路牌之我见The Viewpoint of the Landscape Guideposts in Chongqing
- 前一个previous
- 高架桥之夜景-街灯及指示路牌Approach Viaduct - Night View Street Lighting and Sign Gantry
- 往前along
- 路牌很容易看,上面的字十分显眼。The road sign is easy to read; the words stand out well.
- 路牌很容易看到,而且上面的字很显眼。The road sign is easy to read; the words stand outwell.
- 前日eve
- 校园里出现一些“不准停车”的路牌。"No parking" signs sprang up around the school campus.
- 前文preamble
- 前页preceding page
- 前置preposing
- 几天前other day
- 前部foreside